Renting with Sullivan Real Estate

Thank you!

Thank you for choos­ing Sul­li­van Sotheby’s Inter­na­tion­al Real­ty for your Block Island vaca­tion! We have out­lined every­thing you need to know about rent­ing from us.


We start book­ing in Jan­u­ary for the upcom­ing rental sea­son. Call ear­ly for the best selec­tion! Upon reserv­ing a house by phone we will send you a writ­ten con­fir­ma­tion. Please review, sign and return a copy of the rental agree­ment ASAP.


Pay­ment is due imme­di­ate­ly upon receiv­ing your rental con­tract. 50% of your rent is due imme­di­ate­ly. You may mail a check or pay via ACH. Out­stand­ing bal­ances for your vaca­tion rental must be paid 45 days pri­or to your arrival date.


If you can­cel your reser­va­tion we will only be able to refund you if we can rebook the can­celled week or weeks. Also, if pay­ment is not received in a time­ly man­ner we reserve the right to can­cel your reser­va­tion. There is a $100.00 charge for cancellations.

Security Deposit

Each of our rental homes requires a secu­ri­ty deposit. We ask that you send in your deposit with your final pay­ment on a sep­a­rate check. Checks will only be deposit­ed with just cause, i.e. over­crowd­ing, dam­ages, etc. After inspec­tion and in the absence of dam­ages or issues, your secu­ri­ty deposit check will be shred­ded. You will receive noti­fi­ca­tion via email that your check has been destroyed approx­i­mate­ly two weeks after your depar­ture. Leav­ing your rental home in good con­di­tion is essen­tial to your future vaca­tion book­ings on Block Island.

House Cleaning

All of our homes require pro­fes­sion­al clean­ing. Each house has fixed price, depend­ing on size. The clean­ers will do a turnover clean” which includes vac­u­um­ing, mop­ping and clean­ing the kitchens, bath­rooms and bed­rooms. Usage that is deemed above nor­mal wear and tear could lead to extra clean­ing charges.

Linens, Bath Towels and Beach Towels

These items are not includ­ed in our rentals. The homes are equipped with pil­lows and blan­kets. You may bring or rent linens and tow­els. An info sheet about your house will accom­pa­ny your con­tract; and will item­ize the bed sizes. Linens and bath tow­els can be rent­ed from Block Island Linen Rentals (not affil­i­at­ed with us). Their web­site is www​.block​island​li​nen​rental​.com and you can con­tract direct­ly with them. Our office’s front porch is the pickup/​drop off site.

Ferry Boat Reservations

You will need to make your car reser­va­tions as soon as you book with us. It is impor­tant to con­tact Inter­state Nav­i­ga­tion to get your car reser­va­tion as space is lim­it­ed! Logis­tics can be dif­fi­cult but please make an effort to bring only one car to the island. Their web­site is www​.block​island​fer​ry​.com and the phone num­ber is 8667837996.

Check in and Departure Times

Check in is 3pm and check out is 10am sharp. Please leave the house unlocked with the keys there.


We have very few homes that will take ani­mals. All oth­er homes DO NOT allow pets. Please spec­i­fy imme­di­ate­ly that you are look­ing for a pet friend­ly home. The homes that allow pets include the fol­low­ing guide­lines: The ani­mal must be on some form of flea and tick con­trol, the own­er must clean up after the ani­mal in the yard and an extra clean­ing and/​or secu­ri­ty fee will incur.

Trash Disposal

Some of our homes have garbage pick­up and oth­ers require you to bring your garbage and recy­clables to the Trans­fer Sta­tion on Corn Neck Rd. You do not need a stick­er and there is a small fee for dis­pos­ing waste. If you do leave garbage behind in homes that do not have pick­up there is a fee for garbage removal.

Weddings & Parties

Wed­dings, par­ties and gath­er­ings are not allowed at your rental home. These are pri­vate homes that can­not be used in a pub­lic man­ner. Your secu­ri­ty deposit is at risk when you over use the property.

Maximum Occupancy

All of our rental homes have a max­i­mum occu­pan­cy lim­it. Chil­dren over 2 years old are includ­ed in your count. To reduce stress on sep­tic sys­tems and wells and to adhere to local zon­ing laws, the max­i­mum num­ber of occu­pants must not be exceed­ed. Over­crowd­ing of your rental home is cause for imme­di­ate evic­tion and the for­feit of your secu­ri­ty deposit.

What to expect in your rental home

Our homes come equipped with the basics need­ed for your stay. All of our rental hous­es have ful­ly equipped kitchens, basic clean­ing sup­plies and equip­ment such as mops, brooms and vac­u­ums. On a prac­ti­cal note, it is wise to plan to bring sta­ple items such as paper tow­els, toi­let paper, nap­kins, trash bags, laun­dry and dish soap. While you can buy items such as these on the island it is often more expensive.

Mat­tress pad cov­ers, pil­lows and blan­kets are pro­vid­ed for each bed. Not all homes have fans avail­able and air con­di­tion­ing is not wide­ly used on the island. You are rent­ing a pri­vate home with­out dai­ly maid ser­vice. And, just like your home, things can go wrong. Sul­li­van Sotheby’s Inter­na­tion­al Real­ty will do our very best to make your stay hap­py and com­fort­able but we can­not guar­an­tee the imme­di­ate repair or replace­ment of small appli­ances, elec­tron­ics, phone or inter­net ser­vice. Main­tain­ing wells, sep­tic sys­tems, stoves and refrig­er­a­tors are our first priority.

Sul­li­van Sotheby’s Inter­na­tion­al Real­ty is here to help you with your needs while on vaca­tion. Please do not hes­i­tate to call us with any issues or feed­back from your stay.

Helpful Hints

There are two gro­cery stores on island, the Block Island Gro­cery and the Block Island Depot. There is also a large Stop & Shop gro­cery store in Nar­ra­gansett on the way to the boat.

Baby Supplies

Cribs, high chairs and pack & plays can be rent­ed on the island. Block Island Baby Ser­vice is a friend­ly, pro­fes­sion­al ser­vice that will deliv­er sup­plies right to your rental house. They can be reached at 4014668912 or www​.block​island​baby​ser​vice​.com

Beach Supplies

For­got your boo­gie board, beach chair or umbrel­la? You can rent beach sup­plies from the Town Beach Pavil­ion on Corn Neck Road. You can also rent them from Dia­mond Blue Surf Shop on the Cor­ner of Dodge Street & Corn Neck Road. They also spe­cial­ize in surf and pad­dle board rentals and lessons.


Bike, car and scoot­er rentals are plen­ti­ful on Block Island. There is no need to make advance bicy­cle or scoot­er reser­va­tions. Vehi­cle reser­va­tions are also avail­able and should be secured in advance. Car Rentals are to be had at the Block Island Bike & Car Rental shop on Ocean Avenue (4014662297) or Aldo’s (4014665018) on Weldon’s Way and at the Old Har­bor Docks.

Sending Packages

UPS, Fed Ex & Unit­ed States Postal Ser­vice all deliv­er to Block Island. For phys­i­cal deliv­er­ies (Fed Ex/​UPS) have them sent in your name, care ofSul­li­van Sotheby’s Inter­na­tion­al Real Estate, 434 Water Street Block Island, RI 02807. For USPS deliv­er­ies, have them addressed to your name, care of Sul­li­van Real Estate P.O. Box 144 Block Island, RI 02807. Block Island does not receive DHL so please choose an alter­nate method.