About Us
Renting with Sullivan Real Estate

Sullivan Sotheby’s International Realty is proud to represent Block Island’s largest selection of vacation rentals.

Welcome to Block Island!

We’re so glad that you dis­cov­ered” Block Island and Sul­li­van Sotheby’s Inter­na­tion­al Real­ty would be priv­i­leged to assist you in deep­en­ing that rela­tion­ship. Des­ig­nat­ed as One of the Last Great Places by the Nature Con­ser­van­cy, our small island has so much to offer you and your fam­i­ly. From our pris­tine beach­es to the dra­mat­ic Bluffs, from our great open spaces to our charm­ing vil­lage, we invite you to explore what makes our island unique. 

Local­ly owned and oper­at­ed, Sul­li­van Sotheby’s Inter­na­tion­al Real­ty is one of the top lux­u­ry firms on the island. Our sales asso­ciates are expe­ri­enced year round res­i­dents, inti­mate­ly famil­iar with the island and our mar­ket. Add their exper­tise to our direct affil­i­a­tion with Sotheby’s auc­tion house and Sotheby’s Inter­na­tion­al Real­ty and you have a com­pa­ny able to offer you unpar­al­leled glob­al reach in 75 coun­tries and territories,as well as excep­tion­al ser­vice and mar­ket­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties that ensure that our clients receive every advan­tage in the mar­ket. We proud­ly rep­re­sent all prop­er­ty types and price points while ensur­ing that every client receives white glove ser­vice. We invite you to expe­ri­ence Sul­lian Sotheby’s Inter­na­tion­al Real­ty and dis­cov­er what makes Block Island exceptional. 

Cyn­thia Pap­pas

Please read our Rental Policies

We list over 150 homes offer­ing dif­fer­ent sizes, styles, loca­tions and price. From sea­side bun­ga­lows to large Vic­to­ri­ans, we have a house that will be per­fect for your needs. Please call us to speak with one of our knowl­edge­able agents to book your Block Island vaca­tion today!

Our homes are avail­able for week­ly min­i­mum rentals. Con­tact us via phone or email for more infor­ma­tion. Final book­ings are made over the phone.

Occu­pan­cy num­bers: Our homes accom­mo­date 2 peo­ple per bed­room unless oth­er­wise stat­ed. Chil­dren over 2 are count­ed in your total occu­pan­cy number.

The homes on our web­site show a high sea­son and low sea­son price. High sea­son starts approx­i­mate­ly the third week in June and goes through Labor Day.

Our rentals start on Fri­days, Sat­ur­days, Sun­days and Mon­days. Con­tact us for each homes’ spe­cif­ic start date. Please check here for our more infor­ma­tion on our rental policies.

Don’t for­get to call the fer­ry for car reser­va­tions! Spaces are avail­able for the upcom­ing sum­mer start­ing the first week of Jan­u­ary.www​.block​island​fer​ry​.com

For accu­ra­cy of all the details, final book­ings are made over the phone. Call us to book your Block Island vaca­tion today!

(401) 466 5521